LACSI Initiative: Towards a common methodology
Is it possible to measure victimization in a comparable way? That is the objective of LACSI, a standardized methodology created in 2013 that seeks to measure victimization, the perception of safety and the performance of authorities in a comparable manner in line with United Nations international standards, for the design of evidence-based security public policy.
The Latin America and the Caribbean Crime Victimization Survey Initiative (LACSI) is led by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and its Technical Secretariat is the UNODC-INEGI Center of Excellence. It is supported by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Organization of American States (OAS). The Initiative's Working Group meets periodically to review and update the main methodological tool it proposes to use in the region: a standardized questionnaire.
The Center of Excellence supports countries in the region in the process of adopting the Initiative in their Crime Victimization Surveys, promoting the monitoring of the levels of fulfillment with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, especially the measurement of indicators 16.1.3, 16.1.4, 16.3.1, 16.5.1 and 11.7.2
Visit this section to find out more about LACSI and its impact in the Latin America and Caribbean region.
Scope of LACSI
| English | Spanish | Portuguese | French |
LACSI in the region
| English | Spanish | Portuguese | French |
Technical meetings
1st RTechnical Meeting of the LACSI Working Group. | Cali, Colombia | March 2014|
2nd Technical Meeting of the LACSI Working Group | México City | June 2014
3rd Technical Meeting of the LACSI Working Group | Panama City | February 2015
4th Technical Meeting of the LACSI Working Group | México City, México | May 2015
Agenda |Spanish|
Report |Spanish|
- Miércoles 06 de mayo del 2015
El cuestionario VICLAC nuclear |Spanish|
El cuestionario VICLAC no-nuclear |Spanish|
Cambios propuestos al cuestionario VICLAC |Spanish|
¿Cuáles son las mejores prácticas metodológicas para las encuestas de victimización? |Spanish|
Diseño conceptual estadístico |Spanish|
Ventajas y desventajas del modo de entrevista CAPI |Spanish|
Selección del hogar, informante, edad del informante, uso de tarjetas |Spanish|
Operación de Campo y sistema de monitoreo |Spanish|
Prueba piloto ENUSC Chile |Spanish|
Fase de análisis DANE Colombia |Spanish|
Fase de análisis INEGI |Spanish|
Fase de divulgación |Spanish|
5th Technical Meeting of the LACSI Working Group | Merida, México | June 2016
Report |Spanish|
6th Technical Meeting of the LACSI Working | México City, México | September 2017
Report |Spanish|
7th Technical Meeting of the LACSI Working Group | México City, México | October 2019
Agenda | Spanish | English |
Report | Spanish | English |
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Indicators that can be generated through a victimization |English|
Argentina: National Victimization Survey (ENV) and public policies (a) |Spanish|
Argentina: National Victimization Survey (ENV) and public policies (b) |Spanish|
Peru: National Specialized Survey on Victimization (ENEVIC) and the National Statistical System |Spanish|
El Salvador: Survey on Victimization and Perception of Insecurity |Spanish|
Paraguay: Crime Victimization Survey 2019 and challenges in its implementation |Spanish|
Jamaica: National Crime Victimization Survey (JNCVS) 2019 |English|
Saint Lucia: Crime Victimization Survey Implementation |English|
Colombia: Coexistence and Citizen Security Survey (ECSC) |Spanish|
Mexico: National Urban Public Security Survey (ENSU) |Spanish|
LACSI Initiative innovation proposals to the Working Group |English & Spanish|
SDG 16 survey module initiative |English|
Technical Meeting on Cybercrime (LACSI) | Virtual | September 2020
COMING SOON: 8th Technical Meeting of the LACSI Working Group |Virtual|
Dissemination of victimization data | Spanish
Manual on Victimization Surveys (UNODC, 2010) | Spanish | English | French | Russian |
Conceptual framework (January 2021) |Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |
Indicators (January 2021) |Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |
Implementation experiences
Argentina | Spanish | | English |
Chile | Spanish | | English |
Colombia | Spanish | | English |
Costa Rica | Spanish | | English |
El Salvador | Spanish | | English |
Guatemala| Spanish | | English |
Jamaica | Spanish | | English |
México | Spanish | | English |
Panamá | Spanish | | English |
Paraguay | Spanish | | English |
Perú| Spanish | | English |
Santa Lucía| Spanish | | English |
Cuestionario de la Iniciativa VICLAC
El cuestionario de la Iniciativa VICLAC sirve como instrumento de captación durante el trabajo de campo. Este instrumento está conformado por un cuestionario principal y uno anexo, así como 20 módulos de caracterización del delito. Las tarjetas de apoyo sirven de acompañamiento durante la entrevista.