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LACSI Initiative Questionnaire

The LACSI Initiative questionnaire serves as a collection instrument during fieldwork. This instrument consists of a main questionnaire and an annex, as well as 20 crime characterization modules. The support cards serve as an accompaniment during the interview.


Questionnaire index
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Core questionnaire
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module 1 – Vehicle theft
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module 2 – Theft of vehicle parts
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module 3 – Motorcycle theft
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module 4 – Burglary
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module 5 – Robbery
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module 6 – Robbery without violence (theft)
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module 7 – Bank fraud
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module 8 – Consumer fraud
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module 9 – Bribery
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module 10 – Assault and injury
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module 11 – Threats 
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module 12 – Extortion
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |


ELECTRONIC QUESTIONNAIRE (Available in Spanish only)

The VICLAC Initiative recommends, whenever possible, the collection of information by means of a face-to-face interview with the support of an electronic device (Computer-assisted personal interviewing -CAPI). This technique has several advantages, including: reducing the cost of printed material and personnel (typists and data entry clerks), reducing errors during the survey, applying validation guidelines in real time, using longer and more complex questionnaires, avoiding the loss of information by being able to back it up frequently and ensuring the confidentiality of the information with encryption techniques (See section 4 of the VICLAC Initiative Conceptual Framework).

Based on this recommendation, the UNODC-INEGI Center of Excellence makes available the VICLAC Questionnaire (version 2021) in electronic format using the World Bank's "Survey Solutions" platform. To access the electronic questionnaire, first make sure to create an account on this platform; you can use the following link: https://designer.mysurvey.solutions/identity/account/register

Use this link https://forms.office.com/e/TiLfMAcmhd to request the VICLAC electronic questionnaire from the UNODC-INEGI Center of Excellence, which is currently only available in Spanish.

As a complementary support, the CoE prepared an implementation guide to create a server in Google Cloud Platform (with the Docker system) to send the collected responses from anywhere as long as the collection devices have internet access. You can request it in the same way through the form indicated above.

The LACSI Survey Solution questionnaire is currently only available in Spanish

Annex questionnaire
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French | 

Module I – Theft of personal property from inside the vehicle
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module II – Bicycle theft 
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module III – Vandalism
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module IV – Cybercrime
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module V – Homicide
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Module VI – Kidnapping
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Section D – Sexual and physical harassment
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Section E – Possession of firearms
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |

Showcards for questionnaire 
|Spanish | English | Portuguese | French |