6th Technical Meeting of the Working Group on Victimization Surveys in Latin America and the Caribbean

On 14 September, within the framework of the Technical Meeting on Indicators of Security, Violence and Justice to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the 6th Meeting of the Working Group on Victimization Surveys in Latin America and the Caribbean was held. The Working Group arises from the Latin America and the Caribbean Crime Victimization Survey Initiative (LACSI), which attends the need to develop a standardized regional questionnaire for the measurement of criminal victimization.

Representatives of Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru, as well as representatives of the international organizations that support this initiative, participated in this 6th Meeting: Center of Excellence in Statistical Information  on Government, Crime, Victimization an Justice (CoE), United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
During the meeting some changes and proposals to the questionnaire were discussed, derived from the experience of applying the regional questionnaire in Panama, the first country to fully implement it, as well as the experience of Guatemala, the second country to join this Initiative. In addition, a proposal to include a cybercrime module was presented, among other proposals.

Important to highlight that the LACSI Initiative is a methodological tool designed to generate data to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) 2030, specifically Objective 16.