The new agenda for measuring corruption

On May 21, the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI) organized a side event during the 30th session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) on the measurement of corruption. At the session, Natalia Ollus from Heuni presented their progress in measuring structural corruption and other unseen forms of the phenomenon in Finland. The Commonwealth Corruption Benchmarks were also presented by Matthew Moorhead of the Commonwealth Secretariat. Roxana Bratu of the University of Sussex also participated, referring to the need for different measurements to capture unethical behavior. Finally, Salomé Flores, Coordinator of the Center of Excellence for Statistical Information on Governance, Public Security, Victimization and Justice (CoE) presented the progress made in measuring corruption in the framework of the 2030 Development Agenda and the need to advance in the measurement of other criminal behaviors besides bribery, corruption risks and the effectiveness of anti-corruption policies. 

In addition, she referred to the upcoming discussions of a Corruption Measurement Task Force led by UNODC and supported by the Center of Excellence with the objective of developing a comprehensive corruption measurement framework to guide the construction of national information systems capable of detecting the presence, measuring the magnitude and monitoring trends of different forms of corruption and their associated risks, as well as assessing the implementation and effectiveness of anti-corruption policies, strategies and/or measures.

For more information on measuring corruption, visit: /index.php/methodological-development/