Ecuador starts the process to improve the quality of its crime statistics by adopting the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes

On January 25 and 26, personnel from the Center of Excellence in Statistical Information on Government, Crime, Victimization and Justice (CoE) gave a workshop to Ecuador criminal justice system institutions to promote the adoption of the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS). Specifically, to the Interinstitutional Commission for Citizen Security and Justice (CISCJ) formed by the National Statistics and Census Institute (INEC), the Ministry of the Interior (MDI), the National Secretary for Planning and Development (SENPLADES), the Technical Secretariat for Comprehensive Drug Prevention (SETED), the Integrated Security Service ECU 911 (SIS ECU 911), the Council of the Judiciary (CJ) and the Prosecutor General’s Office (FGE).

During the workshop, the valuable effort of the National Statistics and Census Institute (INEC) in making an initial mapping of the Organic Comprehensive Penal Code and this International Classification was presented. Thanks to the workshop, the different institutions whose work helps in generating crime statistics at the national level had the opportunity to be part of the exercise and to agree a roadmap to go on with the implementation of the Classification. The aim is to improve the quality and comparability of statistical data on crime at the national, regional and global levels.

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