Transparency for Development: Ecuador works to develop corruption and transparency indicators

On December 4-5, a workshop on Corruption and Transparency Indicators was held in the City of Quito, Ecuador. The workshop was organized jointly by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses of Ecuador (INEC), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Center of Excellence in Statistical Information on Government, Crime, Victimization and Justice UNODC-INEGI (CdE), within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Government of Ecuador and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

Workshop participants had the opportunity to learn about different international experiences on corruption and transparency measurement. In particular, they learned about the works that have been developed internationally for the adoption of standards and methodologies that are in line with the targets established in the Sustainable Development Goals and their indicators framework. They also learned about the efforts being made at the international level to measure Governance, and the experiences of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography to measure bribery, the quality of public services and access to public information.

Following the discussion, it was agreed to create a Corruption Statistics Commission, led by the INEC, in which all the 17 institutions present will participate and that will establish a plan for the development of the framework for measuring corruption at the national level.


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