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Inter-agency meeting on the measurement of gender-related killings of women and girls - femicide

An interagency meeting was held in June 2019 to share and learn about existing related efforts to collect, analyze, and report data on femicide. Participating institutions included:

  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
  • UN entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women (UN Women)
  • United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
  • United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
  • European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
  • Technical Secretariat of the Follow-up Mechanism of the Convention of Belém do Pará (MESECVI) of the Organization of American States (OAS)

The meeting allowed UNODC and UN Women, and particularly, their Centers of Excellence, to begin the efforts for the development of the statistical framework for the measurement of gender-related killings of women and girls (GRKWG) - femicide. During the meeting, it was agreed that the framework should provide operational guidelines on the production of data on victims, perpetrators, and state responses to this crime.

The meeting further served to identify challenges for the consolidation of the statistical framework for the measurement of GRKWG - femicide. Among them is the absence of a single definition of this crime and an approach to its measurement; its non-homogeneous classification between countries; the omission of disaggregation by relevant variables in administrative records; and the lack of international and regional comparability.

As part of the results of the meeting, agencies identified at least 32 relevant criteria for the operationalization of the measurement of “gender motivation” in the commission of these crimes.

Related documents 

Agencies in charge of developing the statistical framework for the measurement of GRKWG

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