Facing the challenges to measure crime and violence in Asia-Pacific: UNODC stretches its technical assistance capacities

On February 4-6, the UNODC-INEGI Center of Excellence in Statistical Information on Government, Crime, Victimization and Justice participated in the 1st First Meeting of the Regional Advisory Group (RAG) of the newly established UNODC KOSTAT Centre of Excellence for Statistics on Crime and Criminal Justice in Asia and the Pacific

While both Centers follow the vision established in the Roadmap to improve the quality and availability of crime statistics at the national and international level (E/CN.3/2013/11 and E/CN.3/2019/19), the UNODC KOSTAT Centre of Excellence is based in Daejon, Korea and it aims to strengthen the technical capacities of institutions that generate crime and criminal justice statistics at the local, national and regional levels. Its efforts will be mainly targeted to improve reporting of the indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly of Goal 16.

For two days, the members of the Regional Advisory Group of the new Center of Excellence discussed the priorities and needs regarding crime and criminal justice statistics in Asia-Pacific, highlighting the importance of promoting the creation of national networks/working groups on crime statistics, partnering with non-institutional national and regional actors and increasing awareness on the value of quality statistics on crime and criminal justice.EP6j-e7U8AEtxui EP6k8fGUYAAi4KN EQpqLNbXkAA-0aw (1) EQpqLNfXYAA7Dve (1)