Durango’s Local Anti-Corruption System Develops Statistical Capacities for Decision-Making

On 20 February, the Centre of Excellence in Statistical Information on Government, Crime, Victimization and Justice (CoE) and the General Directorate of Statistics on Government, Public Security and Justice of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) held a workshop on “Statistical information for the design of anti-corruption policies” for members of the Durango Local Anti-Corruption System (SLA).

By request of the Durango Citizen Participation Committee, the workshop was held at the state offices of COPARMEX and was attended by 25 representatives of different SLA institutions, including: the Special Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Corruption; the State Comptroller’s Office; the Durango Institute for Access to Public Information and Protection of Personal Data.
The CoE introduced the attendees to the international commitments that the Mexican State has subscribed regarding the prevention and fight against corruption, as well as the different international standards and mechanisms for its measurement and reporting. It also reviewed the priorities of the National Anti-Corruption Policy (PNA) regarding the generation of information and intelligence, and the link with the initiatives developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Likewise, INEGI showed each of the components, modules and indicators on corruption and transparency that are included in statistical projects related to security and justice (population surveys, business surveys, government censuses and special projects). Finally, INEGI conducted a series of practical exercises to train staff in the use, exploitation and analysis of these tools, focusing on the pillars of the PNA and the development of the state’s Local Anti-Corruption Policy.


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