Guatemalan institutions share the objective of the first National Survey on Perception of Public Safety and Victimization (ENPEVI) 2018 with representatives of civil society

On February 20, the Third Vice Ministry of Violence and Crime Prevention of Guatemala conducted an explanatory workshop for Civil Society and representatives of the media to share the work related to the National Survey on Perception of Public Safety and Victimization (ENPEVI) 2018.

This survey is the first exercise with national coverage that will be implemented in the country and that was the result of inter-institutional work promoted by the Ministry of the Interior (MINGOB) and the National Institute of Statistics (INE), with the technical assistance of the Center of Excellence, through the InfoSegura project of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

ENPEVI follows the recommendations of the Latin American and the Caribbean Crime Victimization Survey Initiative (LACSI), as well as the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS), and its results will allow to report the progress of 4 indicators of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially of Goal 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.

This explanatory workshop aimed to explain to users the process that Guatemala has carried out to achieve this project, from the adoption of the LACSI Initiative, its adaptation to the Guatemalan context, its objectives and tools generated, the sample design, the current progress in the field operation, up to the uses that will be given to it in the matter of crime prevention and management in Guatemala. The main objective of ENPEVI 2018 is to support the generation of data used for the design and monitoring of evidence-based public policies.


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