CoE participates in Conference on Corruption and Organized Crime

On 4 July, the Organized Crime and Corruption System Conference was held at the National Institute of Criminal Sciences (INACIPE), within the framework of the first InterCity Italy-Mexico: “Organized crime, corruption and culture of lawfulness”, where the Center of Excellence participated with a presentation about the context of criminal justice statistics at the international level.

This presentation focused on highlighting the different sources of information on crime and criminal justice, the importance of using these statistics, the efforts being made by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to improve its availability, and specifically, the Corruption Manual that is being prepared by UNODC to measure bribery through surveys, as well as a research paper published by UNODC and INEGI jointly with TRANSCRIME, which proposes a methodology to measure Organized Crime in the countries of Latin American and the Caribbean.

This event was organized by the High School for Justice in Mexico, in collaboration with INACIPE and the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala, as well as with the high sponsorship of UNODC. Participants included Filippo di Benedetto and Ottavio Sferlazza (Attorneys General of Italy), Piergiorgio Morosini (Italian Magistrate), Jorge Antonio Luna Calderón (prosecutor of the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico) and Martín Barrón Cruz (researcher at the INACIPE). During this event, the opportunity for cooperative reflection around the issue of justice was discussed.

