Winners of the 6th International Thesis Competition

The Center of Excellence in Statistical Information on Government, Crime, Victimization and Justice is pleased to announce the winners of the 6th International Thesis Competition on Public Safety, Victimization and Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean.

For the Bachelor’s category: Nancy Daniela Núñez Morales, from the FES Iztacala de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, won with the thesis entitled “Zonificación de áreas de riesgo de robo y percepción de inseguridad de la comunidad de la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala y vías de acceso principales” [Zoning of theft risk areas and perception of insecurity by the community of the Iztacala Faculty of Higher Studies and main access roads].

For the Master’s category: Alejandra Pérez Pérez, from the El Colegio de México, won with the thesis “Desventajas acumuladas e involucramiento juvenil en situaciones de violencia en ciudades de alta delictividad en México, 2014” [Accumulated disadvantages and youth involvement in violent situations within cities of high criminality in Mexico, 2014].

For the Ph.D. category: Luz María Durán Moreno from the Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha, won with the thesis entitled “La conducta antisocial, a partir del autocontrol y la influencia de los amigos” [Antisocial behavior, based on self-control and the influence of friends].

We want to extend our congratulations to all the winners, and we wish them nothing but success in their future endeavors. It is worth noting that the jury responsible for selecting the winner on each level was integrated by a member of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), a member of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and an expert for each category.

The aim of this competition is to recognize and reward academic studies that use statistical data to analyze and provide knowledge on topics related to government, victimization, public security and justice in Latin America and the Caribbean.